Item 3a - SS17 Land to west of Whitsbury Road, Fordingbridge (Application 24/10651)
FordingbridgeTown Council – response to amended CTMP and other details
Planning Application 24/10651 was considered at last Wednesday’s General Council meeting. Cllr Paton summarised the Construction Traffic Management Plan Rev 2, saying there was little change from the previous plan. However, Cllr Wilson reported that contrary to the CTMP, construction traffic is accessing the site via Marl Lane and Puddleslosh Lane instead, and as a result Marl Lane is in a poor condition. The Footpath Officer reported that both Marl Lane and Puddleslosh Lane are ROW for walking and cycling but these narrow lanes are dangerous to walk and cycle while construction traffic is using this route. Councillors agreed that the CTMP should cover Marl Lane and that all materials should be going via the haul road, but this is not the reality. Cllr Wilson said that as Pennyfarthing Homes own this land they have a right of access, but this makes a mockery of the CTMP. Cllr Wilson also reported that Pennyfarthing Homes are also filling in the river with rubble to make a ‘dry’ riverbed, however the river is not dry.
Cllr White proposed and it was seconded by Cllr Wilson and therefore RESOLVED: to recommend REFUSAL under PAR4 as Fordingbridge Town Council is aware the agreements in the current plan are not being adhered to and this needs further investigation. All in favour.
New Forest District Council Environmental Protection
Air pollution – confirms that a dust management plan (DMP) is required for approval prior to commencement of development.
Therefore, the DMP should be a stand-alone, site-specific document advising of the determined risks and focusing mitigation on those areas of higher risk. The CEMP currently lists the possible, generic mitigation measures whereas a DMP is site-specific with mitigation measures focused on the areas of identified risk for the proposed development.
Environmental Health (pollution) therefore supports the requirement for a planning condition requiring a Dust Management Plan prior to commencement of the proposed development.
Proposed Conditions
The following amendments are recommended to the conditions as published.
Condition 2. First bullet point changed to read as follows:
· The hard landscaping details to be submitted including layout and materials for all restored pedestrian bridges, boardwalks and pathways.
Condition 3. Condition updated, and typos corrected and should read as follows:
The development permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and reports:
· TOR P001 – Site location plan
· T01 – Vehicle bridge general arrangement plan
· ITB 2264 GA 437 CTMP site layout plan
· ITB 2264 GA 411 L – General arrangement plan
· ITB 2264 GA 437 – Construction Access Phasing plan
· Arboricultural impact appraisal and method statement, (Ref 2131-AIA3-Temp-Acess-DC) 21st June 20243
· 23131 6 Tree protection plan
· ITB12264-GA-414 Rev D - Public highway plan
· ITB12264-GA-415 Rev D - Swept path large tipper
· ITB12264-GA-416 Rev D - Swept path articulated vehicles.
· ITB12264-GA-417 Rev C – Swept path estate car
· 70061334-WSP-CA-DR-C-00003 P04 - General arrangement drainage plan
· 70061334-WSP-CA-DR C 00004 P03 – Cross sections and long sections
· Environmental Statement Chapter 2 Fig 2.2a – Proposed temporary access road layout
· Environmental Statement Chapter 2 Fig 2.2d – Road drainage plan
· Construction Access Statement dated 14 November 2024
· Construction Traffic Management Plan rev 2 dated 15 November 2024
· Construction Environmental Management Plan Issue 1.2 dated November 2024
· Method Statement for the Construction of the Temporary Construction Access and associated temporary bridge, 14 November 2024
Condition 8. First three sentences amended to read as follows:
If unexpected contamination is found after development has begun, development must stop immediately on that part of the site affected by the unexpected contamination. An investigation and risk assessment of the affected area shall be undertaken in accordance with Environment Agency's technical Land Contamination Risk Management (LCRM) guidance. Where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable risks to human health, buildings and other property and the natural and historical environment and be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
3f The Granary, 4 Harbridge Court, Somerley, Ellingham, Harbridge & Ibsley 24/10078
Spelling correction:
Section 3 - reference to unfilled first floor opening should read infilled
3g The Granary, 4 Harbridge Court, Somerley, Ellingham, Harbridge & Ibsley 24/10079
Spelling correction:
Section 3 - reference to unfilled first floor opening should read infilled